Small Car and Autoclave Needed

Seeking: We are in search of a small car for our vet to drive. With the demise of our main ambulance, we need our smaller vehicle on the road attending emergencies and complaints, leaving our vet without a vehicle. If you have one you would be able to loan or donate, it would be greatly appreciated! Also, if you have ideas or connections that would help us repair/replace our main ambulance, please contact Inspector Grant at the BHS. Thank you.

Seeking: The BHS is looking to buy a much-needed autoclave. Ours has served us well but has finally stopped working. Currently, we are fluid sterilizing our instruments which is costing the vets and techs valuable time. In order to maintain a high spay/neuter & surgery practice, we are looking for an affordable autoclave. Anybody with ideas, or with connections in the medical field, please contact us! Thank you.