35 Dunmore Avenue, Chippingham
Clinic: M/Thurs/Sat by appointment • Adopt: M-S 11am-3pm • Shelter: M-Th & Sat 8:30am-4pm, Fri: 8:30am-1pm

Operation Potcake 2024

Operation Potcake 2024
Operation Potcake

Donation Amount


What is Operation Potcake?

A massive spay & neuter programme with 5 clinics around the island manned by international volunteers flying in to Nassau.

Over 3000 animals will be spayed and neutered over 8 days and returned to where they were found.

A collaboration of the Bahamas Humane Society, Baark! and Animal Balance, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Tourism and the VMAB to humanely and kindly reduce the dog and cat populations of the Bahamas.

For private donations over $1000, please use the following bank transfer instructions.

Bahamas Humane Society
CIBC First Caribbean Bank
Palmdale Branch – Transit Code 09786

Account Number: 1086176
Swift Code for International Transfers: FCIBBSNS

Please be sure to specify that your donation is for Operation Potcake 2024 (OP24).

For Corporate donations over $1000 that you would like to have recognized in our OP24 promotional materials, please contact us at:

Contact Operation Potcake: 242-808.4100 or operationpotcake242@gmail.com

For more information on Operation Potcake 2024, please visit: