From now until May 30th, all cats and kittens are two-for-one.
Adopt the first at $15 (cat) or $25 (kitten), and select a companion free!
Tuesday, May 12 – Quiz Night at the Green Parrot, Nassau side.
Come test your trivia knowledge and support the animals. Teams of 2 – 6 players.
Registration fee is $10/player. Registration begins at 7 p.m.; questions start at 7:30.
More information and some test questions can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/ events/618065071627779/
Huge Patio Sale at the BHS Thrift Shop – Saturday, May 16th – 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Clothing, housewares, books, and more! All sales support the BHS.
Volunteers are still needed for the day! If you’re able to help out for an hour or two or more, please let me know.
Donations of gently used items are always gratefully accepted!
For those of you that saved the date of June 13th, please note that the event has been rescheduled to June 20th. Join us to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Details to follow.
BHS Summer Camp registration has begun and slots are going quickly.
There will be three weeks of camp:
June 22 – June 26
July 4 – July 9
July 20 – July 24
Cost is $125/week.
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Don’t forget to keep your dogs protected from ticks, fleas, and heartworm!
Prevention is less costly than cure.